Our Story

Our Story...

Why Marmie and Moonie? Where did these names come from?

Marmie... when my girls were small, their favorite book was "Little Women" and we often rented the VHS (yes we are that old) from the Springfield Library. You know the one with Wynonna Ryder and we would watch it time and time again. One day we were at the local mall (yes we are that old that we went to the mall often) and there was a shoe store that was named "Marmie" and I told Elizabeth and Makayla right then and there that when I was blessed with GRANDchildren that I wanted to be called "Marmie." Fast forward to March 19, 2017 my dream came true and we were blessed with our "Delilah Grace"and I have been "Marmie" ever since. Moonie...well that was all from Delilah. I am not sure if when she started talking, she heard that word from somewhere or if she just made it up on her on but Moonie was gifted his name by Delilah and he answers to her sweet voice every time the word is uttered off those sweet lips.

Our story really isn't that unique. We both come from blue collar families. Mine from coal mining/preachers/gardeners/preservers and his logging/farming/hunting/river-men. Our families passed down homesteading traits from one generation to the next, not because it was trendy but because it was necessary if the family was going to eat through the winter. Even though our journey maybe a little different today, we still hold on to these traits and traditions and one of our goals through our little farm is to help preserve these skills and pass them on to the generations after us.

We are both Tennessee natives. I am from East Tennessee (Go Vols)and Moonie is from Middle Tennessee. We have known each other since our late teens but did not come together in life until we were in our fourth decades. I am the "middle child" of three girls and Moonie is the "baby" of three boys.

Farming together has always been our goal. We have been gardening, hunting and preserving together for many years now. We have found out what does and doesn't work for us and we look forward to sharing this journey with you in hopes that you too can make your dreams come true. One day at a time.


Honey’s Coconut Cream Pie